Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Wind Has No Friends

The truth is, I have a lot of friends. No really. I do. Check my facebook profile. Hundreds of people call me their friend and a good number of those communicate with me frequently. I also have friends on myspace and bebo. I have many associates on Linkedin, and even an acquaintance or two from craigslist. I have 3740 unread messages in my gmail inbox, many of which are important people. Seriously. I just don't have the time to reply to every single person asking me to do their surveys.

I did a social experiment in high school where I just dropped myself off the face of the earth. I stopped talking with and interacting with everyone I called my friend. I did it to see if I would be missed should I dissapear. I wanted to know if the people I made sacrifices for would go out of their way to care for me. That could've been a disaster, but fortunately a few people proved true and loyal.

Sometimes I am the wind. I look back at the people and places I've breezed by. So many are now in the background. And sometimes I think that I will never have (and keep) true friends. I have no idea what that really means. I am continually reminded of people's real and deep love for me.

I am not a morbid or depressed person but I still have really sad thoughts.

If it wasn't for God always being there, I'd be in a lot of lonely pain.

Well, have a great day =)

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